Sunday, October 17, 2010

Famous Mag Coverage of Robsten Reunion is “Awkward” Failure

It must be liberating to be able to bend reality to fit the story you want to tell.
Gossip Cop doesn’t have that luxury, but Famous magazine sure does!
In its continuing quest to offer upsome of the tabloid world’s lamest Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson “news,” the publication tries to convince readers that the couple’s widely publicized recent dates in Los Angeles served as an “awkward reunion.”
“Over the past few months they’ve not been together and had a taste for what life outside their inner circle is like,” explains a so-called “source” forFamous. “And they loved it.”
Stewart and Pattinson supposedly missed each other, but “also found the break liberating,” reports the magazine.
“They thought that they’d pick up where they left off” after reuniting in Los Angeles, says a “pal,” but “It was weird. They struggled to find something to talk about. It was just awkward.”
Was it as “awkward” as an entire article trying to use a series of nights spent together to allege that a couple has grown apart?
Because that’s pretty awkward.
The tab isn’t quite done with the charade, though, also observing that Pattinson’s friendship with Emma Watson “caused problems” (um, nope) and that his comments about the upcoming six-month Breaking Dawn shoot (“It can get a little boring”) somehow reflect “tension” with Stewart.
With a premise as weak as this one, not even Famous believes what it’s selling, hedging like crazy by the end.
A supposed “friend” tells the magazine, ”They’ve grown up, but they still love each other. They couldn’t continue the way they were going, but they’re still very much a couple,”
Allow Gossip Cop to decipher this code.
Famous published a cover story that fabricated drama and strife. Since the real world doesn’t reflect any such problems, the story has to end with the parties exactly where they were before.
In other words… just another week for the facts-challenged tab.

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