Friday, November 19, 2010

Breaking Dawn Beach Bods: Kristen Stewart's Bikini vs. Rob Pattinson's Abs!

While the Brazilian police may not have busted Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson for getting hot and heavy at the beach, things were definitely getting sexy in the sand this week.
At least for K.Stew, who showed off an über-toned bod in an micro-mini white bikini. Must be all that pole-dancing practice, dontcha think? Either way, the fab gal could not have looked hotter.
But what about Rob—is he buffed-up man candy or a plain old beach bum?

We'll say this: He's definitely not going abs-to-abs with muscle head costars Taylor Lautner and Kellan Lutz anymore.
But do you care? Acting chops over ab shots, right?
And before you bitch that we're so mean to R.Pattz...well, actually, this time we'll let you do the bitching.
But let's get real, would it hurt the dude to do a push up or two between takes? We still heart him, of course—we're just so used to our vamps flashing invitation muscles and not pasty butt crack!
Could definitely be worse, though (and the butt crack is kinda cute, no lie).
So are you Twi-hards imagining getting sand between your buns on your own honeymoon with Edward Cullen, or do you miss the days when the make-up department may (or may not) have airbrushed Rob a glittery six pack?
Either way, we bet you—like Team Truth—are just tres thrilled to see R. and K. getting their PDA on.
C'mon, admit it: Even you panty-twisted Nonstens had to say "Aww!" when you peeped those piggyback ride pics.


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