Saturday, September 4, 2010

Steamy 'Breaking Dawn' honeymoon talk with Stephenie Meyer, PLUS keeping it Edward & Bella focused

Are you hoping that the honeymoon in Breaking Dawn is hotter than fade to black which made us fade to sad? Will Bill Condon take some creative liberties and push the PG-13 envelope? Will Robert Pattinson need a modesty patch? Okay. You might not being thinking the last one but truth be told lots of Robsessed girls are! Don't lie.

We know there have been tons of petitions to make Breaking Dawn rated 'R.' But in reality there are some very racy scenes in PG-13 movies. We brought up the sex scene in The Notebook to Stephenie Meyer during our interview. The Notebook is PG-13. We were floored that she has never seen the movie since we consider it an amazing love story. We assured her that if you didn't have time to watch the whole movie, just watch the juicy clip...(here you go Steph).

Stephenie has two approaches to this honeymoon scene. She wants it "steamy," but she knows young ones will go and watch the movie, so she would also like it 13 year old appropriate. I think we can find a happy medium after watching the clip above, don't you?

This audio clip features Stephenie talking about censoring her book when making it into a movie and how she feels about it. Stephenie also delves into the Breaking Dawn honeymoon and her feelings on it in great detail. Listen: HERE

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