Monday, September 13, 2010

Hollywood Crush Lists Their Four "Most Anticipated" Aspects Regarding RENESMEE and BREAKING DAWN

1. The birthing scene
Sorry, Nessie, but this is one we’re dying to see. How will Bill Condon and Melissa Rosenberg make the birthing scene terrifying without making
you seem like a monster? After all, you become one of the most beloved
characters in the film by “Part 2.” We’re glad that’s their challenge to
deal with and not ours!
2. Jacob’s imprint
Once again, this is a challenge we do not envy Taylor Lautner for having to deal with: falling madly in love with a newborn baby right out of
the womb after just one look. Hopefully it will come across as
beautifully in the film as it does in the book and doesn’t just end up
being really creepy. Also, we’re really interested to see what exactly
Jacob will imprint on, which leads us to our next item.
3. CGI or actual person?
This has been the big question all along: Will Renesmee be CGI or an actual girl (or many girls, we guess)? To use a CGI newborn instead of a
cute, cuddly little baby seems like the wrong choice, but also, how
else will they be able to get across the very many unique
characteristics that Renesmee has? We’ll be interested to see what the
crew comes up with.
4. Supernatural abilities
Renesmee is supposed to be a completely unique creature, and she is definitely something we’ve never seen in the “Twilight” universe before.
It will be interesting to see what special effects are used to
represent her abilities on the big screen, and how much time will be
spent developing how special Renesmee actually is. After all, that will
pretty much be the main plot line for the second film.
Read the full article SOURCE

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