Friday, March 12, 2010

See what P.Brosnan has to say about Remember me and R.Pattinson

 THANKS TO robsessedpattinson


Pierce Brosnan: You'll See Mr. Pattinson Giving a Fantastic Performance

Judging by the hole and stain on Rob's shirt I am guessing it was "wear your own clothes to work" day on Remember Me set :) That day and everyday...

From via Gossip Cop:

SPOILER ALERT after the cut

Co-starring with a hot vampire hunk.

"Remember Me with Robert Pattinson is a really beautifully written piece about a family coping with the death of one of their boys. I play Robert's father, and for me it's about the loss of a son, while from his perspective it's about the loss of a brother.(Gozde: Umm, duh! lol. I'm sorry, I know he is talking about something sad but that sentence deserves a big D-U-H in stating the obvious :)) It's nothing like Twilight but it packs an emotional punch. I think you'll see Mr. Pattinson giving a fantastic performance, which will prove he's really working hard on his acting."

Filming with Pattinson isn't easy.
"We filmed in New York and there always seemed to be a hundreds of screaming teenage girls around and I knew they weren't screaming for me. I know it's tough for Robert to cope with that kind of attention. I've been there and I sympathize with him, but I think he's handling it quite well. I think that, so far, he's got it under control."

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