Monday, March 15, 2010

Robert Pattinson Speaks About Remember Me, Twilight and Being an Idol

With his tou­sled, seem­ingly unwashed locks and rum­pled, just-rolled-out-of-bed under­shirt and jeans, Robert Pat­tin­son seems laid-back and carefree.
But the 23-year-old heart­throb, who attracts throngs of scream­ing fans wher­ever he goes, has a lot on his mind these days – not the least of which is what will hap­pen when the “Robsession” ends.
“If it sud­denly dies down and sud­denly no one is inter­ested … yeah, it is wor­ry­ing,” he says.
“It’s scary to think that it all might just fun­da­men­tally stop after the ‘Twi­light’ thing’s finished.”
That “Twi­light thing” is the more than $1?billion movie fran­chise based on Stephe­nie Meyer’s best-selling series.
Pat­tin­son stars as Edward Cullen, the veg­e­tar­ian vam­pire who falls in love with human Bella Swan.
Despite the suc­cess of the first two films, “Twi­light” and “New Moon,” he hopes to break away from that emo, teenage undead role with his new film, “Remember Me.”
Pat­tin­son and Emi­lie de Ravin star as twenty-somethings falling in love while cop­ing with family tragedy.
Q: Did you feel a lot of pres­sure choos­ing “Remem­ber Me,” since it’s the first time we’re see­ing you post-“Twilight”?
A: I just always liked the script. When I was mak­ing it, I didn’t even think about it. Now that it’s being released, it comes into con­text with all of that.
Q: Do you regret tak­ing on “Twilight”?
A: You can never tell. When I did “Twi­light,” I had no idea it was going to be so big. I didn’t know they were going to make the sequels after­ward. … But I don’t really have any regrets about it. It’s just, you can’t. There’s noth­ing you can do about it.
Q: How do you feel about being an idol?
A: I don’t really know if I am. It’s still just the sort of char­ac­ter that peo­ple like a lot. I try and avoid pro­mot­ing myself like that ’cause oth­er­wise you end up with a huge bur­den of responsibility.

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