Friday, August 27, 2010


TF: Why do you think that the fandom thinks “angry Edward” is so hot?
SM: You know what’s funny about this scene, and Megan’s giving me the eye, that’s the one I walked out on in the trailer on the dailies because in my head that scene was so much different and the movie Edward is quite separate motivationally from the book Edward.  At this point in the film, in the story for me, he’s gotten past this.  Like he’s realized: “I can’t act like a teenage boy anymore.  I have to give her her space.  I have to be the mature one here.” And in that scene in the book he has icy calm control.  He is very gentle.  He is very soft-spoken.  He is very mature.  And so when I see him…and plus you know the movies are unable to bring to life some of the elements of the mythology.  If Edward had in anger grabbed Jacob by the shoulder his arm would have come off, and the fact that Taylor is uninjured and that he [Edward] just kind of shakes him bothered me!  ‘Cause I’m like: “Wait, if we’re gonna tear his arm off!  Let’s do it!”  You know?  And it’s hard for them [the filmmakers] because blood puts you over the limits and stuff, and so they would not tear off Jacob’s arm and I’m like: “If we want ‘angry Edward’ I wanna see some blood.”  And they’d already filmed that day, we couldn’t redo it.  But people have responded really well to it, and it’s grown on me.
TF: It is different than the book…
TF: It’s as close to a vampire as we’ve seen him because he’s been so restrained…
SM:  And restraint is pretty much his middle name.  And we don’t have the scenes early in the book where she [Bella] comes back from La Push and he’s like: “Are you trying to make me insane?!” And he’s really lost it.  We don’t have that evolution where he goes overboard.  We have a little bit.  We have the battery disabling, which is really over the line.  But then, he’s supposed to learn and he’s supposed to stop.  And by that point we’re so far in it’s like: “Why is he still acting like this?!”  But okay it is hot, I’ll give you that.  If the arm had come off I would have liked it better.
TF: It turned out well considering it was a deviation from the book, you know?  And anyway, we liked it.
(chatter and laughter)
Kassie: I don’t wanna hear it.  I didn’t know about that!
SM: Well that one’s been released in clips.  That one’s already out there.
Kassie: Yeah, I just haven’t watched it.
SM: Yeah.  You’re a good girl.
Kassie: I know.
(more chatter)
LT: So this like plays perfectly into this: When do you choose your battles in seeing the movie and the book?  Like you have the book, they have a vision and they throw in a line and you’re like: “They would’ve never said that.”
TF: ‘Cause it bothers us so I can’t imagine what [?]…
SM: It’s really difficult because you do have to choose which ones you want to throw down on, and I know that even when I really say, “Ok, I cannot live with this”,  it’s still 1 out of 10 I’ll get it when I really throw a fit which is rare.  It is really rare for me ‘cause I realize you know they’re making the movie.  When they come to me for advice I’m happy to say things.  There are very few things that I will…and it’s things where it just feels so wrong that there’s no other way, and some of them are such small little things but it’s just like this…Um, you know like with the reshoots that we were talking about?  A lot of that was wig-related.  Um, it’s harder than you would think!  A lot harder!  You know it’s funny, some things you just take for granted in movies and it’s amazing how difficult some things are to do.  But one of the reasons we were back there was because there was one blocking issue I had, and it was not…and nobody else cared, but for me this was such a key blocking thing that this physically had to look this way.  That one I really was like: “I have to have this.  I can’t, I can’t see this like this.”  And everyone’s like: “Really?  This?”

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